
I am a scholar in human-computer interaction and assistant professor at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte, where I direct the Security and Privacy Experiences (SPEX) research group. I am a faculty member of the Human-Centered Computing (HCC) Lab, Center for Cyber Defense and Network Assurance (CyberDNA), Center for Energy Security and Reliability (CESaR), and Center for Humane AI Studies (CHAIS).

I work in usable privacy and security. My focus is on understanding how people's security attitudes and social environments weigh in their decision to adopt - or not adopt - secure behaviors (such as sharing passwords securely or ignoring UX cues to scams and "fake news"). I employ a mix of qualitative and quantitative methods from social science, computer science, and design. My work also is informed by prior experiences as a journalist, IT/UX specialist, and social media manager.

In 2018-19, I created the SA-6 security attitude scale. SA-6 is a six-item, self-report measure of a person's engagement with and attentiveness to cybersecurity measures. You are free to use it with attribution. Also, see my SA-13 inventory and the associated working paper for items measuring resistance and concernedness.

If you would like to become an advisee of mine at UNC Charlotte, please send me your CV and a brief summary of what you can contribute to our research group. (See this handout, "Applying for Grad School: What to Do and When," for advice about applications, and this webpage for advice on cold emailing.)

I have created a new course for UNC Charlotte in Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence (HCAI). The undergrad level is ITIS 4360, and the graduate level is ITIS 5360. I am teaching a combined-level course for Spring 2025 [Syllabus and Weekly Schedule]. Contact me if you would like assistance in setting up a similar course.

For Fall 2025, I am teaching two face-to-face courses: ITIS 4214: Usable Security and Privacy MW 4p-5:15p, and ITIS 4353/5353: Social Technology Design W 5:30p-8:15p. I also am mentoring independent-study students and a Special Topics course for graduate students in our pilot Cybersecurity Clinic. Contact me if you would like to help coach our clinic students or be set up as a client.

Interested in survey research for HCI? Check out (and comment on) my list of books, papers and blog posts that either helped me or are good exemplars (yes, some of them are my own papers) at this link. Also, see my slides on Subjective Methods.

Recent news:

  • I am working with Jacob Hopkins and Carlos Rubio Medrano on a negotiation framework for data requesters (such as a bouncer or door host) and data sharers (such as a patron who must prove they are of-age to enter) to meet their needs while limiting data exposure. Our vision paper "The Price Should Be Right: Exploring User Perspectives on Data Sharing Negotiations" will appear in Proceedings of the Fifteenth Usable Security and Privacy Symposium (USEC 2025), Feb. 24, 2025, in San Diego, CA, USA. Say hi to Jacob if you are attending! [ Preprint ]